Matthew Panzarino, writing about the alleged iPad 3 for The Next Web:

Apple has a long history of hand-picking apps that it thinks are exemplary or really show off the hardware of a device to demonstrate during iPad presentation. The iPad 2 saw demo segments with Apple’s own Garage Band, iMovie and Photo Booth apps, while the recent ‘Let’s Talk’ iPhone event saw game title Infinity Blade 2 demoed in order to show off the graphics capabilities of the new iPhone 4S.
It'll be very interesting to see what apps they use for to demo the iPad 3's ability because of the rumored Retina display inclusion. If Apple does indeed aspire to include one of these in their next device, then they  must be working hard on the many stock apps that the iPad comes with, as well as the extra ones that are available on the App Store. It would really be great if we could see Infinity Blade 2 beauty on the iPad 3's supposedly breathtaking display, but I don't know if that will happen since it's quite unlikely that Apple will let even a leading developer know about their upcoming tablet refresh.