It's a network that's lost all organization. The new Timeline is just horrible and annoys me whenever I'm viewing my profile or anyone else's. I really see no point in the entire idea. Do tell me why they had to change the old look, which was just fine, to this new one. All the pages now have it, which makes things even more unbearable and ugly. Advertisement and other rubbish is ubiquitous and it's hard to find what you're looking for anymore, even with search.

Taking things a bit further, how do you like that stupid new chat bar on the right side of the screen? (I know, you can just disable it, but then you have all your contacts in the left side of the screen and Facebook will hide some of them, which is questionable.) I think it's just worthless to have all your friends who are on their mobile devices -- but really, they're not necessarily available or anything, so why do we need this? -- in the sidebar, not to mention some friends who are offline altogether. What is the point in all of this?

Yesterday, Facebook posted an article to their announcements page suggesting that users should classify the friends that they don't talk to as acquaintances. Okay wait, why do you even have these people in your "friends" list in the first place? I suggest deleting all your "friends" and starting from scratch if you don't talk to most of them. Sure, you can have 800 contacts on Facebook, but there's really no point if you don't talk to most of them -- it's true, maybe you should try a purge.