John Gruber is a "fanboi," says CNET
While not all that surprising, the FUD factor can get pretty hot and heavy sometimes. You know, that tendency to try to discredit any major threats to Apple's dominance. Namely, Android.Take the blog Daring Fireball. It offers some solid analysis. But in the end it's a fanboi site, assailing the misinformed or pointing out how wrong or disliked the Android competition is. That kind of attitude gets in the way of informed insight.
CNET has been known for their love of Apple, but then walks in this "Crothers" who thinks he can easily bash a well-known blog with his media power. John Gruber is in no way a "fanboi." Maybe he's a fanboy, but not the former. Besides, on what grounds do the writers at CNET have to speak? They're the ones who endorse Apple on nearly everything.
But whatever. Mr. Gruber is entitled to his opinion, as we all are. You don't hear him saying bad things about CNET very often, but maybe now he will. Yes, sometimes his opinions can be a bit biased -- but that's the way his opinions are. Leave them be.
Lastly, regarding this "fanboi" word: what is it? Google it and you'll find that Urban Dictionary is the only result that actually makes sense. Yes, I guess it could be French due to the spelling, but Google Translate yields no translation or correct pronunciation. If you're going to do something, then at least spell it right.
Via The Loop