Partly Cloudy

Mikhail Madnani, writing for Beautiful Pixels:

While most recent apps have been going for the minimalistic approach, Raureif, The Berlin based consultancy takes a more infographic based approach to weather with Partly Cloudy.

Partly Cloudy offers a very unique way of looking at the weather forecast. It has a an analog clock style interface that lets you move the hand in a clockwise and counterclockwise motion. As you move the hand, the inner circle of the dial shows you the time selected and as you move it, the data above the clock face changes. The clock face also visually represents data like wind speed and precipitation. The blue in the middle represents the precipitation and when you see more of the blue, there is a higher chance of rain. Wind is represented by single lines coming out of the centre. There is a button on the bottom left that brings your position back to the current time and a dial on the right that is really well designed that lets you pick between a 12 hour, 24 hour and weekly forecast. The app isn’t the simplest of apps to understand and use but the guide provided in the beginning helps a lot. The app also has a really nice icon that will look nice on your homescreen if you choose to make this your go to weather app.

It seems like there are way too many "beautiful" weather apps releasing lately. I recently reviewed WTHR and Nubilous, finding them to be rather dull and feature-lacking with overly-minimal user interfaces. Partly Cloudy is a bit different though. It doesn't limit the user interface's colors to one or two, but rather gives a breath of life to the overall look. It still resembles WTHR and I'm not partial to that, but I think that Partly Cloudy has more potential than the two competitors I just mentioned -- provided you're ready to pay $1.99, which seems a bit steep.

Funny enough, this app has a design very similar to that of Robick, the last app Beautiful Pixels took a look at.