On the possibility of Pinterest becoming the next Facebook
Jesse Hempel, writing for Fortune:
It's clear from the new user page that the Facebook ethos has rubbed off on Pinterest. Each user can upload a profile photo, and there's a stream of continually updating pinboards, not unlike the information on Facebook. Pinterest uses Facebook Connect to let Facebook members log on to Pinterest and opt to publish their activity to their Facebook newsfeed. But as Pinterest gains traction, it becomes a potential threat to the social media giant. Facebook has pretty much captured the U.S. market for subscribers, so its growth is likely to come from engagement -- keeping users on the site longer.Ever since I first tried Pinterest, I disliked it. However, when I say that it is not the next Facebook, I do not mean this just because I don't like the network but rather it's just not what Hempel is suggesting it could be. It's a different type of social network, not a replacement for Facebook.