On saying you're the original source

Seth Weintraub, writing about the HTC One X for 9to5Google:

We learned all the details over the past week but now it is official.
I know, it's really short, but the point is that this is preposterous. Weintraub -- or, 9to5Google as a whole -- "learned" nothing, he merely found it on FullGSM and reported on it. What is this ridiculous idea that he found it? I assure you that he wasn't even the first one to learn of it because The Verge reported it a few hours before he did.

Does no one give credit anymore? Yes, to the original source, but going so far as to say that you yourself -- or your publication -- found it? That's just absurd. No wonder I've always disrespected the 9to5 network. Yes, they break news, but if they want to act like they know everything and all that, then they don't deserve readers, nor do they deserve sources.