Here’s my style of writing: sit down and do it — all at once. I can’t treat anything like a “project” or outline my entire research paper for school. My brain just does that for me. (Not trying to brag. I apologize.) I don’t like wasting any time, which is why I end up waiting until the last two days to read a 400-page book for history class. At least then I remember everything I read, right?

People think I’m inferior because I put things off. They say I “procrastinate” and “avoid the subject”. I’m just divergent. My mind works much differently than most people’s, I've begun to notice. I can’t slowly develop my opinion on an app or my angle for the next tutorial I’m writing. Instead, I sit down for as long as it takes — usually not much more than ten minutes, because I’d get bored — and write. Sometimes I bullet-point ideas and on occasion I take notes. Most of the time, however, I have a predefined route to finishing any kind of project. If it’s a paper, I’ll have it done in one session. I can’t walk away, because I lose everything I’m working towards and end up scrapping all the words I’ve written to replace them with new thoughts. I also have a hard time proofreading, due to my already-piqued interest.

This is why blogging platforms like Svbtle don’t work for me: I don’t organize ideas; I create and finish them in one swift motion.

Writing, for me, is a sprint, not a marathon. It may take me seven hours to finish an academic essay. In that time, I’ll be too busy to eat anything and by the end I’m very happy with what I’ve written. I do still find the value in working towards a certain goal, but it’s hard for me to do that. Even in algebra, I do two weeks worth of work in a single day. I can’t just take my mind off something once I’ve started because I know I’ll neglect it later.

So, when people ask me why I “slack off” on my English paper, only spending a Saturday morning writing the entire thing with no revision, I tell them it’s because I think differently. I'm not trying to be rude about it. I don't want to insult other people's work. I'm just not everyone else. If you stop my seamless motion, as it were, bad things could happen (to you). If not, I create what I set out to. The result is not always amazing, but I do enjoy the process.

There. That was a look into my mind. What’s your process?